Up In the Air

Friday, July 23, 2010

SALT Movie Review

OK say whatever you want but am I the only who thinks that SALT sounds like a bad ass movie title?Probably!From the director of The Bone Collector (Phillip Noyce),comes the taut thriller SALT.

Angelina Jolie is once again a bad ass as Evelyn Salt a CIA Agent who just might be a Russian spy trying to kill the Russian president(Olek Krupa ,Yeah the villain from Home Alone 3).Yeah it doesn't make any sense does it.Well it doesn't!It's an action ,performance driven,testosterone filled, mind bender with a bad script(Kurt Wimmer-Law Abiding Citizen).

Lets start with the performances.Jolie is fantastic as the very mysterious SALT who can stab your back in a blink of an eye(LITERALLY!).The underused Chiewetel Ejifor is really good as an angry CIA Agent trying to find evidence about Salt.August Diehl(Inglorious Basterds)is also fantastic as Salt's heartwarming husband.But the scene stealer is Liev Schrieber as Salt's CIA Partner Winter.

To Cover the good the score by James Newton Howard(The Happening and The Dark Knight)is phenomenal and almost as good as Hans Zimmer's score for INCEPTION.The direction by Noyce felt very Raw and realistic which i really dug.There is 1 twist near the end of the film which i did not see coming and it satisfied.

For the bad,like i said the script was pretty bad and times pretty confusing.The dialougue at times is awful but is thankfully saved by the wonderful cast.Their were some actors like Olek Krupa and Andre Braugher who were painfully underused.There were a lot of cheesy flashback scenes Salt had which were straight up awkward.And this film is left open for a sequel which i hope will be more satisfying and better written than this film.

For my closing sentence i will say that SALT is a mindless brain teaser which is a Matinee only film.


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